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"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife."

I have been watching this year's Swedish Idol from audition nr.1 up until yesterday when the final 11 contestents were finally chosen for the "real", big contest. Wow, it's been an amazing ride so far with this contest!
Every single one of these 11 contestents is absolutely amazing. I will keep watching and following Swedish Idol every Friday, no matter where in the world I am. Internet is all I need and I am ready to go. So my Friday evenings are already booked :)

I also have my three personal favourites, which I am certain will be the last three standing. My choice of winner and absolute favourite is Moa. She is so freaking amazing, I absolutely LOVE her voice!! Star quality!
I am actually on the verge of tears everytime I hear her sing. I would definitely buy her CD, not download her stuff but buy her record!

Up until yesterday I was not even sure why the members of the Swedish Idol jury were so infatuated with her... now I know why, big time! Her performance (make you feel my love, qualification nr.2) was damn straight breathtaking!
I forgot to watch (what exactly was I doing then, huh?) both her audition part and the part where she sang Price Tag (qualification nr.1), the only thing I saw and heard where these short clips from those and I honestly could not understand why everyone is so crazy about her voice...
As I said before: Now I know exactly why! :) Watched her audition part and both qualifications this morning, from start to end.
Ehhh, inconceivable! Incredible, outstanding, extraordinary, fabulous, terrific... ridiculous awesome! :) No more words needed, really!

Moa - audition (she wrote this song herself! Love it!)
Moa - Qualification 1 (Price Tag)
Moa - Qualification 2 (Make You Feel My Love)

Jag har kollat på svenska Idol från första audition och tills igår då de 11 tävlande äntligen valdes till den "riktiga" tävlingen. Bästa svenska Idol hittills :) Varenda en av dem är helt otrolig! Jag kommer att fortsätta följa svenska Idol varje fredag, spelar ingen som helst roll var i världen jag befinner mig! Allt jag behöver är internet och så är jag redo. Kort och gott, mina fredagskvällar är redan bokade.

Jag har även tre peronsliga favoriter och som jag stenhårt tror på kommer att stå som top 3 i finalen. Vinner gör Moa. Hon är otrolig, jag ÄLSKAR hennes röst!!  Sjärnstatus!
Varje gång hon sjunger har jag nära till tårarna. Jag skulle helt klart köpa hennes CD. Inte ladda ner utan verkligen köpa hennes platta!
Fram till igår kunde jag inte förstå varför jurynmedlemmarna var så förtrollade... nu vet jag varför! Hennes framträdande (make you feel my love, deltävling 2) var helt otrolig.

Jag missade både hennes audition och första delfinalen (Price Tag), det enda som jag såg var korta klipp från dessa och jag kunde för allt i världen verkligen inte förstå varför alla var så exalterade över hennes röst...
Som sagt nu vet jag exakt varför! Tittade på hennes audition och båda deltävlingarna den här morgonen, från början till slut.
Ofattbart! Löjligt fan-tas-tisk-t :) Ingen fler ord behövs!

Ok, this is suppose to be my bed, mr Viggo!

Lovely words
Postat av: Linnéa

Jaa, visst är Moa grym! Så många bra i år så det är läskigt.;P Vovven är ju bedårande, & vilken mysig blogg! ;)

2011-10-06 @ 21:26:22
URL: http://linneaslovelylife.blogg.se/
Postat av: Vida


Jag kan inte tala svenska så bra so I'm answering in English. ;) My mother tongue is Slovenian, jag studerar tyska och pratar lite lite italienska ochså. You can guess I kinda love Germanic languages and so I understood learning Swedish as a plus of my studies not as an unnecessary obligation.

The Swedish language is definitely the funniest of all of the languages I speak. That's not a bad thing, but learning Swedish comes along with a lot of guessing. I expected it to be a bit more similar to German but since you write and pronounce things completely in your way I need a lot of imagination to recognize the same origin of the words. I even find it easier to compare it to English. However, after one year of learning Swedish I can say that the grammar is surprisingly uncomplicated. As a Slovenian I have the most troubles with speaking it -- the melody, the obsession with weird sounds (like in the words sju, stjärna, kjol, Göteborg, ...) and loooooong letters (strong accents) are killing my throat! ;) We're not used to producing such sounds with our mouth so it's really tiring for us to read for instance a half of a page of a Swedish text loudly and not sound as complete morons at the same time. ;)

2011-10-17 @ 16:39:38

Some lovely words:

Kom ihåg mig?

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