"it is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air”
- När första ljuset brinner står julens dörr på glänt och alla är så glada att fira få advent.
People! We have sunlight! :) I went for a walk in our neighbourhood after breakfast, and it felt so good to feel the sun on my face. Oh, how I love the sunshine, the warmth on my face...and the squinting as I can't find my sunglasses ;)
When I got home my sister and I ordered some take-out (mexican this time :), cuddled up on the couch and watched Home Alone II (we watch all HA movies (but nr. 3 and 4 aren´t that good!) every year around Christmas, but then again, who doesn´t??).
Btw, it´s the first Sunday of Advent :) We are just about to have our traditional Advent evening with tea and cookies + light the first candle.
Last year we went to church, we went for a stroll in the old part of Ljubljana and made a quick stop at Ljubljana´s Christmas market (not as incredible and famous as Salzburg´s or Vienna´s... yet ;) before we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent.
This year´s plan is to stay at home and have a cosy evening :)
Hope all you guys are having a great Sunday and first of Advent? :) What a your traditions on this day??
There are a lot of you reading but not many who actually leave a comment. Don´t be shy, I don´t bite ;)
Mum, dad and Viggo: Vad hittar ni på idag? Har ni någon snö än? Har du redan tagit itu med årets första julbak, mamma?
Ha en jättemysig första advent :)

Lovely words