It´s not what you do, it´s how you do it. It´s not what you see, it´s how you look at it. It´s not how your life is, it´s how you live it.
Incoming! Got some new stuff earlier this week. I love the black and white blouse and actually wore it at the Lucia-after-party :) Great fabric, feels almost like you´re wearing nothing at all, and at the same time like you´re being stroked by thousands of soft, silky feathers. I wear the blouse together with a black corset top.
The cardigan is a simple white one, very cosy and I bought a brown leather belt to wear together with it.
The boots are so far the best I've owned. It feels like you´re walking on clouds :)
To sum up. I´ve got some new "pearls" in my closet :)
And just to make it clear to everyone. I´m not a materialist, maybe I was a couple of years ago, my first year in Ljubljana. I wanted to have everything, I could pop in to a shop on my way home from the university just to buy a bag, a bag I didn´t even plan on buying!! Well what can I say, I was "young and stupid" :)
But I've noticed over the last year that material things are becoming less and less important to me as individual objects. And I also realize how easy it is for us to get caught up in the materialistic rat race our society promotes.
Things that used to be important to me no longer are. And the things I didn´t consider as important, or didn´t even notice at the time, are very important to me now.
Nowadays I much rather "collect" wonderful memories and great experiences!
I do however love beautiful items, and being surrounded by those ;) I think we all do, in one way or another.
So yes, I´ll continue to buy things that I love and find necessity of having, but at the same time I´ll be aware that there are things in this world that are far more important than what you have standing or lying at home!
A character standard is more important than even a gold standard! And remember that the higher up you go, the more gentle you have to reach down to help other people.
You just have to find that balance, simple as that!
And I think I finally have! :)

“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live”
Hey ;)
So now I´m back in Slovenia and everythings is fine :) I miss Viggo like crazy!
It´s pretty warm here in Ljubljana, and the trees are not even close to being as colorful as they are in Sweden.
The first thing I did today, after a well deserved good night's sleep, was to take the bus down to City Park for some shopping. I know right! Can´t get enough of things. But you all know that things change, they come and go!
And speaking of getting new things, I thinks it´s as important to get rid of old things as to get new! Why add important things into our life just because it's hard to rid ourselves of old?!
So that´s exactly what I did when I came home to the apartment (after four months of being at home in Sweden where my parents live in a house with a big garden surrounding it, it´s now pretty strange to be back in the apartment, strange in a good way of course :)
Anyhow, I threw away as many things I could. Clothes and shoes ended up in a bag, which I´m going to send to Africa.
So yeah, that´s my day so far. Shopping, autumn cleaning and a little bit of home decor :)
What have you guys been up to this glorious Saturday? ;)

“ I always thought good photos were like good jokes. If you have to explain it, it just isn’t that good."
Since my new mini MP3-player doesn't have a display, I can't choose the track I want to listen to right away, but I simply press play and go from there. I never know which track will end up being the first one out :)
Today's first track:
What Do You Take Me For - Pixie Lott ft. Pusha T
Now: work, 16.00 - 21.30.
Wish me luck ;)

“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing”
Hi babes :)
I've got tons of things to do these days, so I apologize if my blog has become somewhat boring...
Anyhow, I went on a little shoppping spree yesterday. After five hours I was completely done with everything that has to do with shopping!! That's it! No more shopping for me, c'mon, 'shop-manage' me!!!
I got a new bag (I know! Everytime I go shopping I end up buying a bag, it's ridiciulous!), a gorgeous top, a new book, some new nail polish (colours that are i-n this autumn, I especially love the gray nail polish I bought!), a kit for feet (hah, nice name, kit-fo-fit :), a new dressing gown (very hippie indeed ;)... and some other things that, I´m afraid, are not that interesting
I had yesterday off and I have today off :) A long day at work tomorrow (7.00 - 16.00) though!
And we (I) actually really need to mention the weather here in Sweden!
It's bloooody freeeezzzzing here!
I'm so in the mood to jet off to any warm destination right now. A Caribbean cruise would be just awesome, now wouldn't it? :)
I hope you crazy cats are feeling well and everything is fine? ;)

“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.”
Good morning to you all :) How are you all feeling this glorious day?
Wish I could write that I am planning on soaking up some autumn-rays today but unfortunately the weather is pretty gloomy. These past few days the sun has been shinig like crazy but I guess every fairytale has its own ending!
I thought I would share some of my purchases from the other day. As I might have mentioned before I went on a little shopping-trip yesterday. I wasn't actually looking for anything in particular, just some clothes and accessories to complete (or at least start to complete) my autum warderobe.
Found these amazing gray jeans I am quite sure I will be walking around in down the streets of Ljubljana the entire autumn, or at least one och two days a week ;)
Got my hands on a beautiful brown leather handbag, which I must confess was my best purchase and fits my notebook perfectly!
I also bought some books and a lady-shaver. Tried it yesterday... damn, it hurts! It kind of pulls your hair out instead of cutting it as it suppose to be doing. But I got this amazing pair of tweezers with it and with...are you ready for it... a tiny light bulb! So now when I am plucking my eyebrows I will actually be able to see what I am doing, hehe :) So it was really, really worth it! And I am sure I will get used to the pain eventually...
I also got some scarves and a really cool top (se photo below and yup, it sure is Madonna :). Oh, and how could I forget?? An electric toothbrush :) It really does feel like I have just been to the dentist everytime I am done brushing my teeth. Love that feeling :)
And some other cool stuff which, sadly enough, are not so interesting, like facial masks, hair- and skinproducts... fairly boring but absolutely necessary for maintaining an anti-zombie-appearance!
No big splurges as you probably noticed, I did spend a lot less money that I thought I would :)
Hejsan! Hur mår ni idag? Idag hade jag planerat att vara ute i solen men tyvärr är det ganska grått och trist ute. De senaste dagarna har solen värmt på rejält men jag antar att allt fint måste ta slut för eller senare.
Jag tänkte dela med mig av gårdagens inköp. Som jag nämt tidigare så åkte jag iväg på en liten shopping-runda igår vilket resulterade i några underbara köp. Jag var egentligen inte på jakt efter något speciellt, bara saker som kunde fylla på min höstgarderob eller nja, börja att fylla på ;)
Fick tag på dessa underbara grå jeans som jag tror att jag kommer att gå runt med på Ljubljanas gator hela hösten, eller i alla fall några dagar i veckan.
La även tassarna på en vacker handväska i brunt läder och om jag ska vara helt ärlig var gårdagens bästa inköp och som passar min lilla notebook alldeles perfekt.
Jag köpte även några böcker och en lady-shaver. Provade den igår. Helvete, vad ont det gör! Den drar liksom ut håren på ett konstigt sätt istället för att raka bort dem som den egentligen ska göra. Men jag fick... är ni redo för detta... en pincett med en liten lampa. Så nu när jag plockar ögonbrynen kommer jag faktiskt att se vad jag gör ;) Så det var verkligen värt det och jag är säker på att jag kommer att vänja mig vid smärtan efter ett tag.
Jag köpte också några scarfar och en riktigt cool top (se fotot nedan och japp, det är Madonna som pryder topen). Och hur kunde jag glömma detta?? Jag köpte en el-tandborste. Känns som om jag varit hos tandläkaren varje gång jag är färdig med tandborstningen. Älskar den känslan :)
Och lite andra grejer som tyvärr inte är tillräckligt intressanta för att ingå i det här inlägget. Jag spenderade faktiskt mycket mindre pengar än jag trodde att jag skulle :)