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"Our lives are like soap operas. We can go for months and not tune into them, then six months later we look in and the same stuff is going on."

Looking at your own photographs and trying to find ways to make them better can really make you hit a wall.
You are at your desk, hunched in front of your laptop working for hours to meet that looming deadline. You feel maxed out and your brain is very tired. To top it off, you have not been having enough sleep for the past few days, partly due to insomnia, and partly due to the nightmares about not being able to finish your project in time. What do you do?
Watch funny (not all of them being so funny though ;) videos on youtube!

Haha, you guys should check out Axis of Awesome. This video made me laugh a lot :D  I do not even know why??
Tired brain + bad humour + funny videos = not a good combo! FACT!

Ok, now I am off to the library to pick up some magazines (hopefully my new Vanity Fair has arrived!) and later I will be making cake pops. So I guess I will be stuck in the kitchen! ;)
Swedish Idol at 8 p.m. A big, big must-see!

Lovely words
Postat av: Ebba

Fin blogg!

2011-10-07 @ 17:00:01
URL: http://ebbaafeldt.blogg.se/
Postat av: Emmelie Wideen

Så lite så!

Jaså? Trodde faktiskt att du använde en annan kamera. Hur tycker du att den funkar?

Lite avundsjuk på dig som kan vandra i skogarna och må bra. Det brukade jag göra när jag bodde bra till.

Nu bor jag ensam i en stad fylld av trafik :/

2011-10-07 @ 17:15:46
URL: http://sagaphotos.blogg.se/
Postat av: sara

tack så hemskt mkt. Jättefina du ^^

2011-10-07 @ 18:53:59
URL: http://imaginationisthekey.bloggplatsen.se
Postat av: Diman Dilir

så fina bilder!

2011-10-08 @ 15:45:28
URL: http://diimans.blogspot.com

Some lovely words:

Kom ihåg mig?

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