“The longest journey a man must take is the eighteen inches from his head to his heart”
Hi again!
Left wonderful Germany and just entered Austria. You guys should see the mountains. Incredible! Anyone up for a little skiing? :)
It's pretty dark outside so I can't really take any good photos. I did try though, so that I can share a bit of the snaps I took to give you more of an insight of what beautiful sights I see right now, and of course make you all a bit jelaous ;)
But while waiting for those photos, here something else :) A super hefty tune and my favourite collage this autumn :)
This is what autumn is all about: hot choco, tea or cappuccino, wonderful and sunny days, beautiful and colorful leaves, an awesome pair of sun shades, cozy knitted sweaters and to cuddle up in bed with a good book :)
Autumn is without a doubt my very favourite season :)
Grüss Gott to all of you!
Mama Do - Pixie Lott
Lovely words