“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.”
Busy day, a very busy day indeed! And I have been feeling a little sick since this morning, something like that I might have caught a cold.
The reason may be that I left the window in the car open when I was driving around yesterday evening. However, it was a little cooler than usual and my body may have been cooled by the evening air! Damn...
It may also be a word from my body, I think it's telling me it needs some rest!
So I took a nap in the afternoon, and that 20 minutes powernap turned out to be 2 hours of deep sleep! I really try to get 8 hours at night but apparently it takes a solid 2-hour nap each afternoon as well...
I guess that's a way to hack your brain into awesomeness! :)
I reckon my dad was pretty concerned when he popped in to my room a couple of times just before I fell aslepp... What do I know, he might have taken photos of me while I was sleeping, and then shared them all over the internet.
Not that my dad would ever do such a thing... it's more likely my mum would...hahah ;)
However, I blame my lack of enery on the weather ;)
As I have said before and I need to mention again:
My dog really needs to knock some sense into his ego... like yesterday! Our walk yesterday; his intention might have been good but his execution was idiotic! He's so jealous, I can't even stop for a chat with someone I know before he starts to howl like a wolf! Eh, what's that all about?? Really??
Can't be easy spending so much time with me, hehe :)
With that said, he's still the most amazing dog on this planet and I love him so much!

Lovely words
Postat av: Maria - med bebis i magen ☆
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