"Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart"
Wonderful autumn day :) And it´s so warm here in Ljubljana. Well, it will certainly take some time for me to get used to this!
And if I´m not mistaken it´s Halloween today. Oh no hang on now! Halloween´s tomorrow! :)
I´ll probably cuddle up on the sofa together with my sister, a bowl of popcorn and a couple of horror movies. Or play the wickedly fun game Ghost in the graveyard (normally children play this game but who cares! It´s Halloween... of course I´m not going to play it!
Mental case or not, there are just some things you DON´T DO anymore as soon as you turn 18, playing Ghost being one of these things!)
A friend and I played it once, back in the days, when we were about 8 or 9 years old. It didn´t end so well though :) I think we ended up in the kitchen stuffing our faces with cookies, reason being that we were so freaked out! Haha, good old times! :)
How are you "horror freaks" spending your Halloween night?? Give me the deets! :)
And mum and dad, what are your horror plans?? :) A game of conkers and Home Alone I? That movie is pretty scary, the man with the snow shuffle, not to mention the two burglars...oh horror time!
Don´t forget your zombie weapons! I got my under my bed if you need it...

Lovely words