“One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else.”
Excellent Sunday :)
I've been thinking about Ljubljana the whole day now. I reckon it's high time I get over there again, so many fun things to look forward to this autumn, but I don't want to give it all away just yet ;)
And all of my friends!!! Can't wait to see them again. Going to basketball games, having an after work (or after study ;) drink at my absolute favourite bar Solist, eating at Da Bu Da, pancakes at Romeo, or tea at Chai House (a lot of really talented designers and artists having tea at that place, and you actually get to seem them "in the wild", some pretty cool dudes and dudettes :).... play tennis, maybe go for a round of golf or minigolf (if you play with the right people it's far from boring...it's real fun...you also get told off beacuse you're disturbing the peace (not me though) but that's another story, a long one :)
And of course; listening to statements like "I've got the goods... and you want them"... Oh. My. God! Not looking forward to that!
And: "Me and Coca Cola have a lot in common really, a lot!... like... ehh... I drink Coca Cola..." Oh, I really miss these fab people with their even more fab (intelligent?) statements and their views on life in general! :D
Don't you worry guys, I want to be exactly like you, hehe ;)
Being here in Sweden this summer has really been peaceful and relaxing, but I need the big city life now.
I could however, do without all the stress in the city surrounded by the speed.... like when you just thanked the cash machine for giving you money... when that happens you're most definitely losing it, and it's about time for a vacation.
And yes, I've done that, but in my defense it talked in a robotic voice and said, "thank you and have a nice day". And I didn't want to be rude!!
Speaking of vacations. I might go on vacation to London later this year If everything goes according to plan. My cousin just got a job there. Lucky bastard ;)
Haven't been to that amazing city for ages!
Oh yeah, I need to mention one more thing :) I watched Midnight in Paris yesterday. Guess what? I'm just about to see it again, beacuse that movie is just so freakin' awesome :)
Have a nice weekend everyone :)
And if there's anything you want to ask me, tell me, or give me tips (about music, movies, stores, new stuff etc), don't hesitate to do so by clicking on "Lovely words" and post a comment there :)
hihi så gott :D
svar: moi aussi, fantastisk stad!
sv; jag håller med. sommaren blir saknad snabbt.
finr bilder du har
kul att höra, då är jag inte ensam om att tycka det iallafall! :)
sv: tack så mycket going! kram :)
SV: Hej! På dessa bilder har jag lekt med curves och blekt av vissa färger och tagit fram en blekt gul nyans och på sista bilden har jag lagt in en rund gradient för att förstärka ljuset :)
hejsan! jo, dem är redigerade med hjälp av programmet Photoscape. Har ändrat till ett filmfilter som kallas Afga och sen ändrat ljuset. :) Kram!
sv: jag redigerar alltid med massor av färglager! man får testa sig fram.
Oj, HJÄLP så du tar sjukt snygga bilder! Satt typ med munnen öppen när jag bläddrade i din blogg! :D Var redigerar du dina bilder? :)
Sv: tack söta du! Kram <3
Svar; Ja de är riktigt coola!
Superdin blogg du har! :}
SV: Absolut, den luktar supergott! :))
sv. ja men det blir ju aldrig samma sak :) charlie var ju en stor del av showen. men det ska bli spännande att se :D har varit lite svårt att hålla sej från att kolla innan den kommer hit, hihi
sv; hehe kul att du tycker så, tack! :D
Sv: Thanks! :)
Thank you! I really like you're design, did you do it yourself? :)
Sv. tack och vilket fint ljus du har i dina bilder!:)
Har tipsat om hur man gör den redigeringen i photoshop cs här: http://bykarolinaa.blogg.se/2011/august/min-egna-redigering-tips-1.html
Sv; tack. :)
Tack! älskar lilla eiffeltornet!
oj, fina bilder rakt igenom hela bloggen. inspiration! snyggt!
sv; tack!:)