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“Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

Hi guys! How are you all feeling this wonderful day?
Heard that you guys in Slovenia are suppose to be having 7 degrees today. True?
Well, we in Sweden are blessed with 15-17 degrees and wonderful sunshine.
Fair play to Sweden! :)

Some of you new readers asked me what I'm doing in the forests of Sweden? Haha!
1) We have a beautiful lake not far from or house, surrounded by this stunningly beautiful forest. I can guarantee that you will have the most peaceful and realxing time.
Lofty and lush landscape!

So every time if feel I need to get away from everything I go for a walk around the lake or take the car, just driving around, listening to some great music...
My way to meditation :)

2) How come I am in Sweden?
I was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia but moved to Sweden when I was about two months old and here (in Sweden) is where I grew up. When I was 19 years old I moved back to Slovenia :)
My dad was born in Sweden so bascially I am thrid generation Swedish. All my realtives are from Slovenia (some from Italy and Austria) but a lot of these relatives were brought up in other countries.
My maternal grandfather grew up in Argentina, my maternal gradmother went to Italian schools, my paternal grandfather lived in Austria for 14 years and then moved  (because of work, he worked as a denist laboratory technician) to Sweden. And my paternal grandmother grew up in Austira.
Other relatives I have around the world: USA (Chicago, New York), Singapore, England and a "whole bunch of them" in Argentina.
Ok, that is the story! The short version ;)

Soon, really soon actually I will be going back to Slovenia.
I cannot wait to be back in a big city again. Eating out everyday (gosh, I miss the food at Da Bu Da, Parma and Le Petit Café), shop in these amazing stores, hang out with all my friends, be back at the university...
Of course I will be taking my camera with me and document everything (ok, almost everything ;) I do and see in this amazing city called Ljubljana :)

För er som undrar varför jag helt plötsligt slutat att skriva på svenska kan jag komma med den enkla förklaringen att tiden helt enkelt inte räcker till just nu :( Har så himla mycket att göra och om jag ska skriva på engelska först och sedan exakt samma sak på svenska så blir det dubbelt så mycket att göra!
Därför, när jag har lite tajt om tid så skriver jag endast på engelska eftersom jag på så sätt når även ut till alla andra som inte förstår svenska (för jag har nämligen fått klagomål från icke-svensk-talande att Google translate är skit... kan väl inget annat än att hålla med!)
Men lugn, bara lugn, jag kommer givetvis att fortsätta skriva på svenska också :) De har senaste dagarna har bara varit ett undantag. Promise! :)

Photo from Austria earlier this summer. If I am not mistaken this should be somewhere near Flachau / Pongau (hometown of Hermann "Herminator" Maier). Lofty mountains! :)

Lovely words
Postat av: emelie

sv: tack du snälla!

riktigt häftig bild!

2011-10-08 @ 12:45:33
URL: http://primadonnajordgubbssylt.blogg.se/
Postat av: Amanda

sjukt snygg bild!

2011-10-09 @ 19:10:52
URL: http://wils.blogg.se/
Postat av: Lena

HERREGUD! vilken vacker bild!

2011-10-11 @ 17:58:47
URL: http://biscottes.blogg.se/

Some lovely words:

Kom ihåg mig?

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