"Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart"
Wonderful autumn day :) And it´s so warm here in Ljubljana. Well, it will certainly take some time for me to get used to this!
And if I´m not mistaken it´s Halloween today. Oh no hang on now! Halloween´s tomorrow! :)
I´ll probably cuddle up on the sofa together with my sister, a bowl of popcorn and a couple of horror movies. Or play the wickedly fun game Ghost in the graveyard (normally children play this game but who cares! It´s Halloween... of course I´m not going to play it!
Mental case or not, there are just some things you DON´T DO anymore as soon as you turn 18, playing Ghost being one of these things!)
A friend and I played it once, back in the days, when we were about 8 or 9 years old. It didn´t end so well though :) I think we ended up in the kitchen stuffing our faces with cookies, reason being that we were so freaked out! Haha, good old times! :)
How are you "horror freaks" spending your Halloween night?? Give me the deets! :)
And mum and dad, what are your horror plans?? :) A game of conkers and Home Alone I? That movie is pretty scary, the man with the snow shuffle, not to mention the two burglars...oh horror time!
Don´t forget your zombie weapons! I got my under my bed if you need it...

"A book is a gift you can open again and again"
I found this amazing "piece of masterpiece" (it belongs to my sister) in our apartment yesterday.
And since I´m a big fan of Coco Chanel, I started to read this book about her right away.
Really great reading!
And who doesn´t love all her statements and variety of views on philosophical questions, not to mention her style and class? :)
If I had the opportunity to meet with any (now) dead human being and spend a day with that person, I would most definitely choose Mademoiselle Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel!
I really think you guys should all grab a copy of this astonishing piece of writing about the legend and the life of Coco Chanel, written by Justine Picardie. Also containing a bunch of wonderful photos from Coco Chanels private photoalbum.
I promise, you´ll absolutely love it! :)
I´m actually going to pay the biggest bookstore in Ljubljana a visit next week (as soon as I have a couple of hours off, I really do "get stuck" in that store!) and purchase my own copy, because I really think it´s an amazing book as well as a perfect piece of home decor :)
"I´m interested in what is ahead of me, not what has already finished."
"My age varies according to the days and the people I happen to be with", Coco Chanel told a young American journalist in 1959, when she was 76 . "When I´m bored I feel very old, and since I´m extremely bored with you, I´m going to be a thousand years old in five minutes..."

“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live”
Hey ;)
So now I´m back in Slovenia and everythings is fine :) I miss Viggo like crazy!
It´s pretty warm here in Ljubljana, and the trees are not even close to being as colorful as they are in Sweden.
The first thing I did today, after a well deserved good night's sleep, was to take the bus down to City Park for some shopping. I know right! Can´t get enough of things. But you all know that things change, they come and go!
And speaking of getting new things, I thinks it´s as important to get rid of old things as to get new! Why add important things into our life just because it's hard to rid ourselves of old?!
So that´s exactly what I did when I came home to the apartment (after four months of being at home in Sweden where my parents live in a house with a big garden surrounding it, it´s now pretty strange to be back in the apartment, strange in a good way of course :)
Anyhow, I threw away as many things I could. Clothes and shoes ended up in a bag, which I´m going to send to Africa.
So yeah, that´s my day so far. Shopping, autumn cleaning and a little bit of home decor :)
What have you guys been up to this glorious Saturday? ;)

“The longest journey a man must take is the eighteen inches from his head to his heart”
Hi again!
Left wonderful Germany and just entered Austria. You guys should see the mountains. Incredible! Anyone up for a little skiing? :)
It's pretty dark outside so I can't really take any good photos. I did try though, so that I can share a bit of the snaps I took to give you more of an insight of what beautiful sights I see right now, and of course make you all a bit jelaous ;)
But while waiting for those photos, here something else :) A super hefty tune and my favourite collage this autumn :)
This is what autumn is all about: hot choco, tea or cappuccino, wonderful and sunny days, beautiful and colorful leaves, an awesome pair of sun shades, cozy knitted sweaters and to cuddle up in bed with a good book :)
Autumn is without a doubt my very favourite season :)
Grüss Gott to all of you!
Mama Do - Pixie Lott

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes"
Guten Tag, wie geht es heute?? How are you all doing?
I'm in Germany, near Fulda in the centre of Deutschland :)
It's freeezzzing here, but still very autumn-beautiful :) Love it!
I simply adore the landscape of Germany, especially at this time of the year!
I did take some photos earlier, but haven't had the time to transfer them to my computer and edit them, I figure I'll post them sometime during the upcoming weekend, so keep your eyes open! :)
But in the meantime, here's a collage of my photos showing my summer/autumn in Sweden 2011 (or at least some of it ;)
Tschüss to you all :)

"I've made the most important discovery of my life. It's only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found"
Been down to the centre of our "village" with mum, "taking care of some business" ;)
A couple of gocery stores, the bank, the post office and the library. And now I'm all done!
Looking forward to a grilled turkey ham sandwich with a fresh salad + the latest episode of Revenge. This show just keeps getting better and better!
But first a walk with mr. Viggo. I love and adore my dog so much, there are no words to describe how wonderful he is :)
Fair play to you, Viggo!
And you know what they say; a dog hug a day keeps the doctor away! :)

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"
Well, hello there :)
Work from 13.00 to 16.30. A lot to do as usual. Emelie and I laughed our brains out... but now that I come to think of it, it wasn't even that funny, more like very dangerous, hahah :)
Paycheck day, a delicious home cooked meal (served when I got home from work, must be one of the best things in the world; having someone cook for you (an exquisite gourmet home cooked meal ;), a really awesome playlist, having some time off and cuddle up in the bed with a great book while it's pouring outside...ah, that magical sound of rain outside :)
Did I mention I love autumn? ;)
Right now I need to take the car for a drive ;)
I might stop for a bucket of Ben & Jerry's ice cream on my way home ;)
Ok, see you crazy cats later!

"Drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence"
Hi all you babes and lads :)
Guess what I got today?? My drawing by this amazing artist, Lowa.
If you remember, my blog was chosen as one of two winners in her competition a couple of weeks ago :)
Even in my wildest dreams I couldn't imagine that the drawing would turn out to be so freakin' cool, beautiful and awesome!
Honestly Lowa, you rock! :)
It really did take my breath away when I opened the package. I absolutely love it! And now my mum wants the drawing!
Well, she ain't gonna get it!
I did however promise she could have it until Christmas :)
Thank you once again, Lowa (www.lowawallman.se) :)

“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.”
Busy day, a very busy day indeed! And I have been feeling a little sick since this morning, something like that I might have caught a cold.
The reason may be that I left the window in the car open when I was driving around yesterday evening. However, it was a little cooler than usual and my body may have been cooled by the evening air! Damn...
It may also be a word from my body, I think it's telling me it needs some rest!
So I took a nap in the afternoon, and that 20 minutes powernap turned out to be 2 hours of deep sleep! I really try to get 8 hours at night but apparently it takes a solid 2-hour nap each afternoon as well...
I guess that's a way to hack your brain into awesomeness! :)
I reckon my dad was pretty concerned when he popped in to my room a couple of times just before I fell aslepp... What do I know, he might have taken photos of me while I was sleeping, and then shared them all over the internet.
Not that my dad would ever do such a thing... it's more likely my mum would...hahah ;)
However, I blame my lack of enery on the weather ;)
As I have said before and I need to mention again:
My dog really needs to knock some sense into his ego... like yesterday! Our walk yesterday; his intention might have been good but his execution was idiotic! He's so jealous, I can't even stop for a chat with someone I know before he starts to howl like a wolf! Eh, what's that all about?? Really??
Can't be easy spending so much time with me, hehe :)
With that said, he's still the most amazing dog on this planet and I love him so much!

“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”
Hi there :)
Yesterday: work from 7.30 to 16.30, gloomy weather and two new movies with my dad (watching them with my dad, not him actually being in the movies!), named Don't be afraid of the Dark and Trespass.
Definitely watchable!
Today: a day off, bright sunshine, a long walk around the lake with Viggo, and mum's homemade pizza aka THE-best-pizza-in-the-world! Yummylicious!
Can't get any better than this, now can it?!
I'll really have to go through next week's schedule, and add a ton of things that need to get done before I can call it a weekend!
I have this notebook (I bought two more last week, just in case ;) where I put down all my to-do-lists for every week, things I need to buy, order, send, my thoughts, dreams and goals, different projects, daily plans and observations, thoughful quotes, drawings, tips, inspiration....
That notebook is basically my life! :)
And my life is looking pretty scary next week! ;)
How are you guys spending your weekend? Do you have any fun weekend traditions? ;)

“Frost is the greatest artist in our clime, he paints in nature and describes in rime”
21. october 2011, Sweden
"When the frostbite sets in"
Nikon D3000 & macro lens +4

“ I always thought good photos were like good jokes. If you have to explain it, it just isn’t that good."
Since my new mini MP3-player doesn't have a display, I can't choose the track I want to listen to right away, but I simply press play and go from there. I never know which track will end up being the first one out :)
Today's first track:
What Do You Take Me For - Pixie Lott ft. Pusha T
Now: work, 16.00 - 21.30.
Wish me luck ;)

“ Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow"
"Never be fully satisfied with what you’ve done."
"Never stop photographing. It is very likely that your best photograph has not yet been captured."
- Imogen Cunningham (1883 – 1976), American photographer, known for her photography of botanicals, nudes and industry.Hii-y-aa!
Sunshine and today's plans:
1) A lot of "photo-things" I need to take care of before I can enjoy a good night's sleep :)
2) Work from 16.00 to 21.30. I work with one of my favourite teams this evening, so I'm really looking forward to that :)
3) Some "slacker time" (and now I don't mean I'll try to evade military service in wartime), but be dawdling, sit idle or wathever in front of the TV, when I get home from work.
I'll probably watch Revenge, Ringer and Wild Boys today.
Other series I watch and find mighty good and very watchable are, Boardwalk Empire, Terra Nova (sometimes), Person of Interest and occasionally Breaking Bad (the fourth season) and The Fades (OMG, this one is ridiculous, haha!)
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! My package from netonnet.se came yesterday containing my new mini MP3-player (it really is very mini :) and my new macro lens +4 :)
Came home after a full day of work (07.00 - 16.00) and tried out my new macro lens right away.
I love the +4 :)
One more thing! I mentioned Imogen Cunningham, right?? She was amazing!!
I really love her black & white photos, since I'm very much into black & white myself :)
And I truly admire the 'drama' she 'put' in her photos :)

"You're the frosting to my cupcake and when you share a cupcake, you share love."
Long day at work today, 07.00 - 16.00 and I'm completely and utterly exhausted!
From one thing to another. I'm all about cake pops right now, but I really love making cupcakes, especially decorating them :)
So a made some yesterday :)
Decorating cupcakes is just as important as baking them. Studies actually prove that the way food looks effects how people perceive the taste and the entire experience all together, so decorating cupcakes should really be priority nr. 1! :)
My all time favourite cupcakes are without a doubt Carrot Cuppies with cream cheese icing :)
I remember being in Soho in New York City the entire day (can't remember what we were doing then, probably some shopping) and I saw this amazing Starbucks on one of the most cozy streets in New York, and I ordered the best carrot cupcakes I've ever eaten :)
Uhm uhm uhm, heaven sent!
Carrot Cupcakes in Soho and Strawberry Frappes on Times Square... that's pretty much all I remember from my stay in New York, hehe :)
How to make your own carrot cupcakes (the "complicated version", I'll post the "easier" recipe later):
Prep time = 25 min
Total time = 50 min
Yield = makes 12
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1/3 cup vegetable oil
- 2 tablespoons orange juice
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled)
- 1 1/2 cups shredded carrots
- 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
- 1/4 cup shredded coconut, plus more for garnish
- 8 ounces bar cream cheese, room temperature
- 3/4 cup confectioners' sugar
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Oil a standard 12-cup muffin tin or line with paper liners. In a bowl, combine sugar, vegetable oil, orange juice, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, and eggs.
- Stir in baking powder, baking soda, allspice, and salt. Add flour; mix. Stir in carrots, walnuts, and coconut.
- Divide batter evenly among muffin cups. Bake until toothpick inserted in centers comes out clean, 25 minutes. Let cool completely before frosting.
- Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, confectioners' sugar, and remaining 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract. Whisk until smooth.
- Frost cupcakes, and garnish with shredded coconut or carrots.

“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing”
Hi babes :)
I've got tons of things to do these days, so I apologize if my blog has become somewhat boring...
Anyhow, I went on a little shoppping spree yesterday. After five hours I was completely done with everything that has to do with shopping!! That's it! No more shopping for me, c'mon, 'shop-manage' me!!!
I got a new bag (I know! Everytime I go shopping I end up buying a bag, it's ridiciulous!), a gorgeous top, a new book, some new nail polish (colours that are i-n this autumn, I especially love the gray nail polish I bought!), a kit for feet (hah, nice name, kit-fo-fit :), a new dressing gown (very hippie indeed ;)... and some other things that, I´m afraid, are not that interesting
I had yesterday off and I have today off :) A long day at work tomorrow (7.00 - 16.00) though!
And we (I) actually really need to mention the weather here in Sweden!
It's bloooody freeeezzzzing here!
I'm so in the mood to jet off to any warm destination right now. A Caribbean cruise would be just awesome, now wouldn't it? :)
I hope you crazy cats are feeling well and everything is fine? ;)

#1, #2, #3

All photos by Viktoria Sega
"Love sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out"
Hey guys!
Smashing Sunday so far :) Got stuck in the kitchen, I'm very much into cooking and baking and have been since I can remember. And cooking something that others find delicious is like being awarded a golden medal at the Olympic Games :)
I love finding new recipes, go grocery shopping, put everthing on the kitchen counter top and start cooking.
Another thing that I love is not knowing what I'll end up cooking, open the refrigerator and the cupboard and take out the things I think will mix well together, and make my own recipe along the way :)
And since I had the noon off today I decided to do one of my absolute favourite dishes. So simply and fast, and so yummy!
All you need is: noodles with beef taste, shrimps, mushrooms, tomatoes and black olives.
Boil the noodles and fry the vegetables and the shrimps in a frying pan. When the noodles and the vegetables are done, mix them all together in the frying pan.
Don't forget pepper and a lot of lemon pepper :) And you're all done :)
While slaving away in the kitchen I listened to some really amazing tunes. I love Diana Vicker's voice. Some pretty fantastic vibes over there :) I especially love the first song, Four Leaf Clover.
I don't know why, but this song sends my thoughts right back to Norwich in England! :)
Now I've got some reading, piano playing and mail sending to do, and then off to work, 16.30 - 21.30.
Have a great Sunday everyone :)
Four Leaf Clover (acoustic) - Diana Vickers
You'll Never Get To Heaven - Diana Vickers
Cold Kiss - Diana Vickers

“Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?”
Before I go to work, I need to tell you lot something. I participated in a contest and found out today that I'm one of the two lucky winners :) It certainly made my day!
The prize? A wonderful painting/drawing done by this amazing artist, Lowa.
Visit her blog and admire all her amazing drawings and paintings :)
Oh, I can't wait to get my painting/drawing. I'll hang it up on my wall with great pride, above my "photo-desk" or makeup table :)
Innan jag drar ner till jobbet måste jag bara berätta en sak. Jag deltog i en tävlingen i förrgår och fick reda nu på eftermiddagen att jag är en av två vinnare :) Det gjorde verkligen min dag!
Priset? En helt underbar tavla gjord av den här fantastiska konstnären, Lowa.
Besök gärna hennes blogg och njut av alla vackra teckningar och målningar :)
Oh, längtar verkligen efter att få min tavla. Den ska jag hänga upp på väggen med stolthet, över mitt "foto-skrivbord" eller sminkbord :)

“What is not started today is never finished tomorrow”
Today's breakfast.
Wholemeal bread with blackberry jam and chopped hazelnuts, orange juice, morning detox tea and grapes (without seed, very important!).
My plans for the evening? Work, 17.00 - 21.00. Pretty soft :)
I'll talk to you lot tomorrow again :)
Have a lovely Saturday :)
I almost forgot, I was really in mood for some girlie-tunes when I went for a walk with mr. Viggo this morning :)
Broken Arrow - Pixie Lott
All About Tonight - Pixie Lott
Mama Do - Pixie Lott
Dagens frukost.
Fullkorns bröd med björnbarsmarmelad och hackade hassennötter, apelsinjuice, morning detox te och vindruvor (utan kärnor, mycket viktigt!)
Kvällens planer? Jobb, 17.00 och 21.00. Ganska skönt! :)
Vi hörs imorgon igen :) Ha en underbar lördag :)

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want"
Really looking forward to Swedish Idol this evening :)
My mum and I were in the grocery store earlier today, where she showed off her language and personal shopper skills... I must confess, very impressive ... and kept "pushing me around" all the time, and I sure wasn't "allowed" to participate in the conversations with all the people we met, hahaha :)
Eh, what was that all about?? :)
But don't worry, my mum is a crazy cat... I mean cool, she really is sooo cool :)
Anyhow, I've done some reading today and some chocolate-eating.
Well it's Friday, isn't it?? ;)

"We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young"
I ordered a new macro lens to my Nikon D3000 yesterday... and while I was at it I "threw in" a mini Mp3-player into the "shopping cart" as well, couldn't help myself!
This new Mp3 doesn't have a display or any of the million functions my ZEN's got, but it's really "mini" and very elegant. I ordered one in black and as soon as I get it delivered I'm going to fill it with all my favourite music!
Unlike my ZEN, which contains approximately 22.000 tracks, 250 movies, 100 music videos, 2.000 photos + calender, notes, lists (most played tracks, favourite genres etc), slideshows and much more, this new little sweetie has only room for 200 tracks, tops!
I need to limit myself to a few tracks, because if I had room for 100.000 songs then I would most definitely fill that space... and then struggle with the problem of searching (and going a little bit mental as well) for the song that I'm in the mood for... for hours!
That's why I wanted this one, because in this way I can gather all the top-music in one device and limit myself to only a "few" tracks instead of making long lists on the ZEN!
Reckon it will include a lot of soul and british indie-rock, a lot of tracks by Adele, Pixie Lott and One Night Only :)
My kind of music!
I wanted Samsungs new Mp3 Tic Toc but they don't sell here in Sweden. I did find some Swedish sites on the internet, but on all these sites the Tic Toc was sold out! Funny.
Tried to order one from Amazon.com... but that didn't work, either! Apparently Amazon doesn't know where Sweden, or Slovenia are located, and can't ship my Tic Toc to these "fantasy countries".... ok....
Amazon, you really need to find out where your issues really lie and resolve them!
And speaking of good music. Some hefty tunes is what you'll hear if you press play :) Go ahead, make your day! :)
Pumped Up Kicks (cover) - Jayme Dee
Marry You (remix) - Bruno Mars
En extra rolig grej den här morgonen var att jag fick syn på att jag blev veckans blogg... två gånger :) Bra start på fredagen eller vad??? :D Tack så jättemycket http://susannefors.blogg.se och http://fashionstars.blogg.se

We <3 It, bästa sidan på internet... tillsammans med Youtube och Tumblr ;)
“He laughs at my dreams, but I dream about his laughter.”
Have been spending time with this babe the entire forenoon ;) You know, talking a stroll to the lake together, he's been a model for me (patience isn't his strongest virtue, I might add), he's been sleeping and snoring on my book while I tried to read it, we've been doing a little bit of Agility training.
In the end I was the one doing all the Agility-stuff, I'm btw doing quite fan-tas-tic now after all these years of "training"/explaining what exactly he needs to do... and today (as always) he just watched... Lofty dog!
Someone of you readers asked me if I'm a cat person or a dog person.
Yeah, I'm all about the dogs! :)
How about you guys? Dogs or cats? :)

“Love is not blind, it simply enables one to see things others fail to see.”
Long day at work today, 07.00 - 16.00. I feel like I'm going to fall asleep any second now.
My God, no energy left in this body!
But despite my exhaustion, there was still a bit of sunlight remaining when I got home and the sky was still blue enough for some nice photos, so I began wandering the streets of our neighbourhood in search of the perfect autumn leaves :)
I feel it's very important to take advantage of this beautiful warm autumn weather while it's still here, because you know what? Once again, winter is just around the bend! Scary Thought? Yeah, I know!
But now, I'm going to throw myself into my work... No, I mean, let myself settle onto the couch and relax the remaining day ;)
Maybe watch a movie or two :)
Have a nice evening!
Lång dag på jobbet idag, 07.00 - 16.00. Håller på att kollapsa av trötthet just nu. De här långa arbetspassen tar verkligen knäcken på en, inte en gnutta energi kvar i den här kroppen!
Men trots min utmatthet har jag ändå varit ute en sväng runt kvarteret och fotograferat lite höstlöv eftersom det är så otroligt vackert väder idag. Jag tycker det är extra viktigt att ta vara på alla de här vackra höstdagarna eftersom det känns ordentligt i luften nu att vintern är på väg med stormsteg! Skrämmande tanke? Ja, jag vet!
Men nu ska jag forsätta att jobba järnet... Nej, jag menar kasta mig i soffan och spendera kvällen där! Kanske slänger på en film eller två också ;)
Ha en fortsatt trevlig kväll :)

“Yesterday is today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream.”
You know, I was talking about Moa winning this year's Swedish Idol. Well, as it turned out I kind of changed my mind a little bit.
Moa is still making it to finals, but I think Amanda Fondell will beat her!
Just listen to this amazing voice. She's got star quality, that's for sure!
Amanda Fondell - Made Of
My favourite things (at the moment):
- Venice. I've been to this city a "gazillion" times and I'm sure that I've seen almost all, I know it like the back of my hand by now :) Whenever I need to buy presents I go to one of the many markets where they sell glass, and buy these amazing bracelets, necklaces, drinking glasses etc, all made of venetian glas.
- My ZEN-player and my mobile. Can't live without these babes!
- Ray Bans. I really didn't like Ray Ban sunshades before. It was the kind of stuff that Beatles, Pink Panther-people and Dustin Hoffmann-kind-of-guys wore. Now I'm "straight down" addicted to this brand. And now I finally get it, I get why Ray Ban is by far the best-selling eyewear brand in the world.
Ray Bans are the type of shades c-o-o-l people wear.
- Salads. Well, I'm a woman, aren't?? ;) Sometimes the best approach is the simplest one, my favourite is a mix of chicken, fresh champignons, cocktail-tomatoes, feta cheese, black olives, corn...
- My notebook! A place where I gather all the things I love, everything from my favourite photos and movies to favourite music and quotes.
Can't go anywhere without that darling!
- Portoroz, a city by the sea in Slovenia where my mother grew up and my grandparents still live. I visit them as soon as I get a couple of days off. Loving the sea, the wonderful breeze, the peace, the sound of steady, rhytmic ocean waves, providing a sensation of relaxation and calm :) Oh. My. God. Really.
And finally, the thing I love the most right now: this new thing, this incredible and amazing touch of vintage in photos :)

“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you.”
Right now, while I'm cuddled up on the sofa in the living room, reading Queen Mum, my dog is sitting by a window in my room and by the looks (or sound) of it there must be some serious dog-walking going on past that window... being a dog must be so difficult! ;)
Wrote a couple of e-mails to both of my bosses earlier today, one here in Sweden and the other one in Slovenia, basically all I want is my work references and letters of recommendation... which I think will be pretty good ;)
As I mentioned yesterday, I can't wait to get back to Ljubljana :) The first thing I'm going to do is to take the bus to CityPark, shop my brains out (ok, I will try to control myself), then take the bus back to the centre of the city and eat a delicious meal at Da Bu Da and afterwards just take a stroll through the old part of the town :)
Anyone of you guys in Ljubljana care to join me?? :) Any good suggestions?
I'm, however, NOT going to Thai Inn! Been there far to many times for my own good, hehe :)
During a couple of weeks in May I was eating there every day, with diffrent people of course. I don't know who else would be "stupid" enough to eat the same food day after day after day??
The thing is... the restaurant is located so near the university... so craving thai food has nothing to do with it.
Indolence, however, has everything to do with it!
But right now, I better come out of these daydreams and do some serious work instead :)
I do have a great deal of reading to do.

Ladies-day on my ZEN and all laptops today :) Sorry ONO! ;)
Can't Make This Over - Pixie Lott
Her new hit What Do You Take Me For is pretty cool too :)
The Boy Who Murdered Love - Diana Vickers
Someone Like You - Adele
“One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else.”
Excellent Sunday :)
I've been thinking about Ljubljana the whole day now. I reckon it's high time I get over there again, so many fun things to look forward to this autumn, but I don't want to give it all away just yet ;)
And all of my friends!!! Can't wait to see them again. Going to basketball games, having an after work (or after study ;) drink at my absolute favourite bar Solist, eating at Da Bu Da, pancakes at Romeo, or tea at Chai House (a lot of really talented designers and artists having tea at that place, and you actually get to seem them "in the wild", some pretty cool dudes and dudettes :).... play tennis, maybe go for a round of golf or minigolf (if you play with the right people it's far from boring...it's real fun...you also get told off beacuse you're disturbing the peace (not me though) but that's another story, a long one :)
And of course; listening to statements like "I've got the goods... and you want them"... Oh. My. God! Not looking forward to that!
And: "Me and Coca Cola have a lot in common really, a lot!... like... ehh... I drink Coca Cola..." Oh, I really miss these fab people with their even more fab (intelligent?) statements and their views on life in general! :D
Don't you worry guys, I want to be exactly like you, hehe ;)
Being here in Sweden this summer has really been peaceful and relaxing, but I need the big city life now.
I could however, do without all the stress in the city surrounded by the speed.... like when you just thanked the cash machine for giving you money... when that happens you're most definitely losing it, and it's about time for a vacation.
And yes, I've done that, but in my defense it talked in a robotic voice and said, "thank you and have a nice day". And I didn't want to be rude!!
Speaking of vacations. I might go on vacation to London later this year If everything goes according to plan. My cousin just got a job there. Lucky bastard ;)
Haven't been to that amazing city for ages!
Oh yeah, I need to mention one more thing :) I watched Midnight in Paris yesterday. Guess what? I'm just about to see it again, beacuse that movie is just so freakin' awesome :)
Have a nice weekend everyone :)
And if there's anything you want to ask me, tell me, or give me tips (about music, movies, stores, new stuff etc), don't hesitate to do so by clicking on "Lovely words" and post a comment there :)

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
'at work. trying really hard to maintain an anti-zombie-look... kiddin', work is awesome today, I'm full of energy' (via Twitter - 8. oct. 2011 - 09.30)
Hello there! Working all day long today, 7.00 - 10.00 + 14.30 - 20.30. Busy bee! Somebody stop me and tell me it is Saturday! ;)
I am going to watch Midnight in Paris later this evening when I get home. Anyone seen it? Any good?
Having a real beautiful day today, beautiful leaves falling off the trees... I love autumn, with it’s warm rusty colours and cold whipping winds :)
And in the beauty of autumn comes a time of preparation for winter, but if truth be told, I am not ready for cold days yet!
I’m hardly surprised by weather of any kind, at any time, growing up in Sweden and all.
But now that the weather is quickly slipping into "real" autumn (although it’s my favorite season) I find myself wanting to scream “HALT, I’m not ready for this!
And I start to wonder; did summer even happen? Did I really swim, had bbqs and picnics, did I hang out with my friends in Portoroz, nearly enough to move on already??
Jobbar hela dagen idag, från 7.00 - 10.00 + 14.30 - 20.30. Alltid kul att jobba helger (speciellt med tanke på att det är mer betalt, de "extra" tjänade kronorna idag ska gå till ett par nya Ray Bans - Clubmasters... har jag bestämt mig för nu! :)
Var inte riktigt säker på om jag gillade den modellen första gången jag såg den... nu har jag kommit fram till slutsatsen att jag verkligen gillar, förlåt, älskar Clubmasters! :)
Ha en fortsatt trevlig lördag :)

“Be careful what you wear to bed at night, you never know who you'll meet in your dreams.”
Soooo in the mood for ice cream and a chic lit, being Friday and all!
Just been having a chuckle to myself all afternoon reading this book :)
Haha, OMG! Mr. Viggo likes to Move Like Jagger (or maybe he is just wagging his tail so hard that his whole body shakes and wiggles)...anyway, do not mess with that dude :) He really loves this kind of music by the looks of it :)
Where is my phone?? Have to record this and post it on Twitter (yfrog) so I can share it with the rest of the world :)
Lofty dog!

"Our lives are like soap operas. We can go for months and not tune into them, then six months later we look in and the same stuff is going on."
Looking at your own photographs and trying to find ways to make them better can really make you hit a wall.
You are at your desk, hunched in front of your laptop working for hours to meet that looming deadline. You feel maxed out and your brain is very tired. To top it off, you have not been having enough sleep for the past few days, partly due to insomnia, and partly due to the nightmares about not being able to finish your project in time. What do you do?
Watch funny (not all of them being so funny though ;) videos on youtube!
Haha, you guys should check out Axis of Awesome. This video made me laugh a lot :D I do not even know why??
Tired brain + bad humour + funny videos = not a good combo! FACT!
Ok, now I am off to the library to pick up some magazines (hopefully my new Vanity Fair has arrived!) and later I will be making cake pops. So I guess I will be stuck in the kitchen! ;)
Swedish Idol at 8 p.m. A big, big must-see!

“Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
Hi guys! How are you all feeling this wonderful day?
Heard that you guys in Slovenia are suppose to be having 7 degrees today. True?
Well, we in Sweden are blessed with 15-17 degrees and wonderful sunshine.
Fair play to Sweden! :)
Some of you new readers asked me what I'm doing in the forests of Sweden? Haha!
1) We have a beautiful lake not far from or house, surrounded by this stunningly beautiful forest. I can guarantee that you will have the most peaceful and realxing time.
Lofty and lush landscape!
So every time if feel I need to get away from everything I go for a walk around the lake or take the car, just driving around, listening to some great music...
My way to meditation :)
2) How come I am in Sweden?
I was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia but moved to Sweden when I was about two months old and here (in Sweden) is where I grew up. When I was 19 years old I moved back to Slovenia :)
My dad was born in Sweden so bascially I am thrid generation Swedish. All my realtives are from Slovenia (some from Italy and Austria) but a lot of these relatives were brought up in other countries.
My maternal grandfather grew up in Argentina, my maternal gradmother went to Italian schools, my paternal grandfather lived in Austria for 14 years and then moved (because of work, he worked as a denist laboratory technician) to Sweden. And my paternal grandmother grew up in Austira.
Other relatives I have around the world: USA (Chicago, New York), Singapore, England and a "whole bunch of them" in Argentina.
Ok, that is the story! The short version ;)
Soon, really soon actually I will be going back to Slovenia.
I cannot wait to be back in a big city again. Eating out everyday (gosh, I miss the food at Da Bu Da, Parma and Le Petit Café), shop in these amazing stores, hang out with all my friends, be back at the university...
Of course I will be taking my camera with me and document everything (ok, almost everything ;) I do and see in this amazing city called Ljubljana :)
För er som undrar varför jag helt plötsligt slutat att skriva på svenska kan jag komma med den enkla förklaringen att tiden helt enkelt inte räcker till just nu :( Har så himla mycket att göra och om jag ska skriva på engelska först och sedan exakt samma sak på svenska så blir det dubbelt så mycket att göra!
Därför, när jag har lite tajt om tid så skriver jag endast på engelska eftersom jag på så sätt når även ut till alla andra som inte förstår svenska (för jag har nämligen fått klagomål från icke-svensk-talande att Google translate är skit... kan väl inget annat än att hålla med!)
Men lugn, bara lugn, jag kommer givetvis att fortsätta skriva på svenska också :) De har senaste dagarna har bara varit ett undantag. Promise! :)
Photo from Austria earlier this summer. If I am not mistaken this should be somewhere near Flachau / Pongau (hometown of Hermann "Herminator" Maier). Lofty mountains! :)

"Any good music must be an innovation."
Some great tunes to be listening to while driving in the forests of Sweden! ;) If I don't answer my phone right away when you guys call or send me texts it's because I want to listen to the songs.
Oh dear, looks like someone's getting just a little bit mental...haha!
Keep calling and texting me :D
Ringtone = Just For Tonight - One Night Only
Message tone = You and Me - One Night Only
Alarm tone = Can't Explain - The Who
And no, I can't explain why I have this track as my alarm tone!!

“You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.”
You know the kind of stuff that will have you breaking out in goose pimples? Go for a walk in the park in the dark? Watch horror movies all night? Clowns? Those among you who still do not find this sufficiently spooky better check out Lake Mungo!!
That movie completely freaked me out!
Having a realxing day at home today, and I just finished watching one of my favorite films, Water for Elephants.
You guys should btw see our living room, haha.
Laptops, wires, books, notebooks, magazines, newspapers, teacups, waterbottles, pillows, blankets, camera equipment... I am pretty organized but this just looks like WW3!
It has been raining buckets and buckets non-stop since this morning. Good thing I changed my mind about going to the beach today...in October... in Sweden ;) And right now I am so not in the mood for a walk with mr. Viggo, that much is true!
A playlist coming up later today, so you better keep your eyes open :)
"Asked" my ZEN-player to list the most played songs in September. No big surprises there ;)
Ok, better go and get that living room organized...

"A hair divides what is false and what is true."
Some weeks ago I was sent a couple of new products from Sunsilk, to try them before they start to sell in stores (they probably already have by now... but I am not sure).
All I can say is... they are great! :) Love them!
Works wonders on my split ends (I have got pretty long hair now and after the summer it needs all the help it can get!).
After using Sunsilk Damage Reconstruction Program (schampoo + conditioner) my hair is also soooo shiny and silky, soft and smooth, and it smells so good :) It makes my hair feel silky soft for day's. Cannot stop touching it, haha!
Only a few people + my hairdresser are allowed to touch my hair, but now I will probably go around in town and ask strangers to touch my hair so that they can be apart of this amazing feeling as well :D Hahah, jooooking!
Fair play to you, Sunsilk :D
This new Sunsilk is co-created by Thomas Taw, Damage Repair Expert in London.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your "test-bunny", Sunsilk and Sofies Mode (swedish magazine).
Now I just need to answer some questions about these products and share my personal opinion with the people who sent my these amazing products :) This is gonna be easy!
And to all of my readers I have only one thing to say:
If you, like me, have got hair in need of repair, try the new Sunsilk Damage Reconstruction Program by Thomas Taw.
It works wonders ;)

Now, off to work :)
"Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it."
This day has pretty much consisted of a bunch of LOL-s, ROTFL-s and LMAO-s :D
Listening to some great tunes, looking for some more flats in Ljubljana (even though I have already found my dream-flat ;), reading, writing, "skype-ing" with a couple of mates in the UK and Slovenia, playing the piano (found some great piano sheet in my old piano-books from music/culture school), watching "Halv åtta hos mig" with mum, and been scouring the internet looking for a tripod.
I figure I will order a tripod (have not decided which one yet) and a macro lens (have decided which one) tomorrow, when I get home from work :) I will use the money I earn tomorrow for some new camera equipment :)
I get paid monthly, at the end of every month, so I do not get the money when I check out from work... if that is what you though! ;)
Oh, and I also went for a walk with mr. Viggo.
Gosh, my dog really needs to have a sit-down with his ego!
Den här dagen har stort sett bestått av en massa skratt :D
Jag har lyssnat på härlig musik, letat efter fler lägenheter i Ljubljana (även om jag redan hittat min drömlägenhet ;), läst, skrivit, "skype-at" med några kompisar i Storbritannien och Slovenien, spelat piano (hittade några grymma noter i mina gamla pianoböcker från musik/kultur skolan), tittat på "Halv åtta hos mig" med mamma och tittat på lite kamera stativ på nätet.
Jag antar att jag ska beställa ett stativ (har inte bestämt mig vilket än) och en makro lins (har bestämt vilket) imorgon när jag kommer hem från jobbet :) Jag ska använda pengarna jag tjänar imorgon till lite ny kamera utrustning :)
Jag får betalt i slutet av varje månad, så jag får inte pengarna i hand varje gång jag slutar för dagen... om det var det ni trodde! ;)
Och jag har även varit ute en sväng med mr. Viggo idag.
Oh boy, min hund måste verkligen ta sig ett snack med sin fåfänga!
Today's top 3, most played this week, straight from my Creative ZEN-player.
One Night Only OWNS my ZEN!! Fair play to it!
Hurricane - One Night Only
Bring Me Back Down - One Night Only
Say You Don't Want It - One Night Only

"The important thing is to strive towards a goal which is not immediately visible. That goal is not the concern of the mind, but of the spirit."
Hello there! ;)
So I tried this new facebook timeline app this morning. After some (a lot of) confusion in the beginning I can now proudly say that I am 100 % satisfied with my new facebook profile page :) Love this new timeline.
Fair play to you, facebook.
But I, however, still prefer Twitter ;)
Haha, the first twenty minutes I could not find any-thing on my facebook page... and started a monologue with myself on my wall (if only it had been an inner!) I did not even realize I did that until a friend made a comment: interesting mood swings!
I do say, haha! Quite embarrassing actually!
It has been a weird day, a really weird day today...
But you know what? The sun is shining and it is 18 degrees outside, a little bit windy but never mind that now, so I am more than happy :)
Mum and I will continue our "apartment search" (for me in Ljubljana), when she gets back home from work. I think is about time I get a place of my own, don't get me wrong I enjoy living with my brother and sister in the capital of Slovenia, but I want my own space! Like MAI'S SPACE, hahah!
Love-hate that song tons!!
Anyhow, always when my mum and I go online, looking for flats we are actually serious the first 30 minutes, really looking for "the perfect flat" but then always find something that is not to our liking! For example; if the kitchen is gorgeous, the bathroom is crap and vice versa, drives me crazy!
After half an hour of "serious searching", all exhausted and disappointed, we start looking for these amazing, luxurious flats in Ljubljana (flats that no normal human being can afford)! Every time!
And we can go on for hours, just admiring the photos and comment on every little detail.
Haha, this is a hobby only my mum and I share ;)
Love these moments <3
Hej på er!
Jag provade på den här nya facebook tidslinjen imorse. Efter lite (mycket) förvirring i början så kan jag nu slutligen påstå med 100 % säkerhet att jag är nöjd med min profilsida på facebook. Älskar den här nya tidslinjen.
Bra jobbat, facebook!
Men jag föredrar fortfarande Twitter ;)
Haha, de första tjugo minuterna kunde jag inte hitta någonting på min profilsida... och började en monolog med mig själv på min vägg (om det ändå bara hade varit en inre monolog). Jag insåg inte ens att jag gjorde det innan en kompis skrev en kommentar: intressanta humör sväningar. Haha. Ganska pinsamt faktiskt!
Det har varit en konstig dag, en väldigt konstig dag...
Men vet ni vad? Solen skiner, det är 18 grader ute, lite blåsigt (men det låtsas vi inte om) så jag är mer än glad.
Mamma och jag ska fortsätta att leta lägenheter i Ljubljana (till mig) så fort hon kommer hem från jobbet. Tror bestämt det är dags för mig att skaffa mig något eget. Missuppfatta mig inte, jag trivs med att bo med min bror och syster i Sloveniens huvudstad, men jag vill ha något eget. Some MAI'S SPACE, hahah!
Hat-älskar den sången så mycket!
I alla fall, varje gång min mamma och jag börjar leta efter lägenheter på nätet börjar vi med detta på ett ytterst seriöst sätt den första halvtimmen, vi letar verkligen efter "den perfekta lägenheten" men hittar alltid småsaker som inte faller oss i smaken (t.ex. om köket är jättefint så är badrummet skit och tvärtom, detta driver mig till vansinne!).
Efter en halvtimme, helt utmattade och besvikna, börjar vi istället leta efter dessa underbara, lyxiga lägenheter i Ljubljana (som ingen normal människa har råd med!) Varenda gång!
Och detta kan vi göra i flera timmar i sträck, bara beundra fotografierna och kommentera varenda liten detalj.
Det här är en hobby som bara min mamma och jag delar ;)
Älskar dessa stunder <3

Mai's Space - Pop Levi
"Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. Life is the sum of all your choices."
Today's weather forecast: rain, rain and some more rain.
Today's work schedule: 7.00 am - 1.00 pm. Luckily enough I worked with this great team today and due to this the hours just flew by.
Today's mood: excellent ;)
Now: my to-do-list for this week... oh, can't wait, really :)
- Now I'm really gonna make sure I do it just the way it's supposed to be done! How did I get away with it the first time anyway??? Weird... (via Twitter - 3 oct. 2011 - 15.32)
Dagens väder prognos: regn, regn och lite mer regn.
Dagens jobbschema: 7.00 till 13.00. Lyckligtvis jobbade jag med ett jättebra team så timmarna bara flög förbi.
Dagens humör: utomordentligt ;)
Nu: to-do-listan för den här veckan... kan knappt bärga mig :)

Camera: Nikon D3000, lens: Nikkor AF-S DX 55 - 200 mm.
"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless."
Great Sunday :) Could not have ended this week in a more relaxing way.
A new week tomorrow and that means I have tons of things to do, wrote a list earlier today and... it is not pretty... at all! :)
Hehe, one episode of Wild Boys, a good night's sleep, work (7.00 - 13.00), and after one o'clock tomorrow we can (slowly!) start to go through the checklist, ok?
Underbar söndag :) Skulle inte ha kunnat avsluta den här veckan på ett mer avslappnande sätt.
En ny vecka imorgon, jag gjorde en liten (liten??) lista tidigare idag på allt jag måste göra den kommande veckan... och den listan är inte rolig... inte ens i närheten! :)
Hehe, ett avsnitt av Wild Boys, sängen, jobb imorgon mellan 7.00 och 13.00, och sedan börjar vi bocka av på listan, ok?

Ha en fortsatt trevlig avslutning på helgen :D
“Dreams are like stars...you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”
It is already October. Cannot believe how fast time flies! Hey life, wait up!
Got a couple of days off from work. Nothing special planned for this weekend. A little work with my photographs, planning for the Autumn and for a couple of projects in Ljubljana later this year... OMG, only three more months left before we start a new year.
Is it just me or do years nowadays only consist of birthdays and christmases??
Mum is making her fabulously delicious pizza today, so I guess I will be waiting for that the entire day :)
I made this "wicked" playlist yesterday and I am in the mood for a really good long walk in the dephts of the forest, being all warm och sunny today :)
Oh right, mosquitos! Forgot about those creepy-crawly devils straight from hell!
Redan oktober. Kan knappt förstå hur fort tiden går. Hallå livet, vänta på mig!
Är ledig i ett par dagar nu. Har ingenting speciellt inplanerat i helgen. Lite arbete med fotografier och planering inför hösten och några projekt i Ljubljana senare i år.
Herregud, bara tre månader kvar till ett nytt år. Är det bara jag eller består åren numera endast av födelsedagar och jular??
Mamma ska göra sin helt makalösa goda pizza idag, så jag antar att jag kommer att gå runt hela dagen och vänta på det :)
Jag skrapade ihop lite nya och fräscha låtar och gjorde en grym spellista igår och jag känner verkligen för en lång promenad inne i en djup, mörk skog eftersom det både är varmt och soligt idag :)
Just det ja, myggor! Glömde bort de små krypen från helvetet.

Heather, the national flower of Västra Götaland, my part of Sweden.
Ljung, landskapsblomman i Västra Götaland :)
"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife."
I have been watching this year's Swedish Idol from audition nr.1 up until yesterday when the final 11 contestents were finally chosen for the "real", big contest. Wow, it's been an amazing ride so far with this contest!
Every single one of these 11 contestents is absolutely amazing. I will keep watching and following Swedish Idol every Friday, no matter where in the world I am. Internet is all I need and I am ready to go. So my Friday evenings are already booked :)
I also have my three personal favourites, which I am certain will be the last three standing. My choice of winner and absolute favourite is Moa. She is so freaking amazing, I absolutely LOVE her voice!! Star quality!
I am actually on the verge of tears everytime I hear her sing. I would definitely buy her CD, not download her stuff but buy her record!
Up until yesterday I was not even sure why the members of the Swedish Idol jury were so infatuated with her... now I know why, big time! Her performance (make you feel my love, qualification nr.2) was damn straight breathtaking!
I forgot to watch (what exactly was I doing then, huh?) both her audition part and the part where she sang Price Tag (qualification nr.1), the only thing I saw and heard where these short clips from those and I honestly could not understand why everyone is so crazy about her voice...
As I said before: Now I know exactly why! :) Watched her audition part and both qualifications this morning, from start to end.
Ehhh, inconceivable! Incredible, outstanding, extraordinary, fabulous, terrific... ridiculous awesome! :) No more words needed, really!
Moa - audition (she wrote this song herself! Love it!)
Moa - Qualification 1 (Price Tag)
Moa - Qualification 2 (Make You Feel My Love)
Jag har kollat på svenska Idol från första audition och tills igår då de 11 tävlande äntligen valdes till den "riktiga" tävlingen. Bästa svenska Idol hittills :) Varenda en av dem är helt otrolig! Jag kommer att fortsätta följa svenska Idol varje fredag, spelar ingen som helst roll var i världen jag befinner mig! Allt jag behöver är internet och så är jag redo. Kort och gott, mina fredagskvällar är redan bokade.
Jag har även tre peronsliga favoriter och som jag stenhårt tror på kommer att stå som top 3 i finalen. Vinner gör Moa. Hon är otrolig, jag ÄLSKAR hennes röst!! Sjärnstatus!
Varje gång hon sjunger har jag nära till tårarna. Jag skulle helt klart köpa hennes CD. Inte ladda ner utan verkligen köpa hennes platta!
Fram till igår kunde jag inte förstå varför jurynmedlemmarna var så förtrollade... nu vet jag varför! Hennes framträdande (make you feel my love, deltävling 2) var helt otrolig.
Jag missade både hennes audition och första delfinalen (Price Tag), det enda som jag såg var korta klipp från dessa och jag kunde för allt i världen verkligen inte förstå varför alla var så exalterade över hennes röst...
Som sagt nu vet jag exakt varför! Tittade på hennes audition och båda deltävlingarna den här morgonen, från början till slut.
Ofattbart! Löjligt fan-tas-tisk-t :) Ingen fler ord behövs!

Ok, this is suppose to be my bed, mr Viggo!